Grace Notes Member Life

CELEBRATION OF THE REFORMATION | The 500th Anniversary Worship Service

The Michigan District has scheduled a Reformation Worship service at the Breslin Center in Lansing October 15, 2017. The Circuit is looking into charting a bus for this event. Because this is a Sunday many of the Pastors of the Circuit will not be able to go, however I know it will be a great experience for everyone who attends.  You can find more information on the district’s website.


Veteran’s Day Chili Supper and Silent Auction | November 7,2014 from 4:30 to 7:00

flowers_with_flagGrace Lutheran Church, Elk Rapids is having a chili supper and silent auction on November 7,2014 from 4:30 to 7:00.  Veteran’s eat free, but a goodwill donation of $7 for adults and $5 for children under 12 is suggested Children under 5 eat free.

Proceeds go towards servicemen’s Christmas boxes and mailings for AMVET  post in Elk Rapids.

Ladies of Grace

Geranium Sale

The Ladies of Grace are having a geranium sale.  4″ geraniums are $3 each.  Forms are in the narthex and fellowship hall.


Veteran’s Day Chili Supper and Silent Auction | November 11, 2013 (4:30-7:00)

flowers_with_flagGrace Lutheran Church, Elk Rapids is having a chili supper and silent auction on Veteran’s Day (November 11, 2013 from 4:30 to 7:00).  Veteran’s eat free, but a goodwill donation of $7 for adults and $5 for children under 12 is suggested Children under 5 eat free.

Member Life Outreach

Elk Rapids Education Day at Elk Rapids Schools | February 2, 2013

The Elk Rapids Schools International Travel Club* is hosting an Education Day on February 2nd.  Their offerings can be seen by clicking on the image below.  See their pdf for more details.

ER Education Day Line Up

*About the International Travel Club (copied from their pdf downloaded from Deanna Sayer’s website)….

So what is this club you are supporting by participating in the Elk Rapids Education Day? This is a new club formed by high school teacher, Deanna Sayer, to give local students an educational opportunity to travel and learn about cultures first hand. Eleven students will be traveling to China on March 16th for 14 days, with an intensive study of Mandarin. Our everyday lives are intertwined with Chinese influence, yet we know so little about their culture. This trip will give our youth insight, generate interest, and create global thinkers closing cultural gaps and building international relationships!
Thank you for supporting our education, while strengthening yours.
The International Travel Club


Veteran’s Day Chili Supper and Silent Auction | November 12, 2012 (4:30-7:00)

Flowers in Vase with American FlagGrace Lutheran Church, Elk Rapids is having a chili supper and silent auction on Veteran’s Day (November 12, 2011 from 4:30 to 7:00).  Veteran’s eat free, but a goodwill donation of $7 for adults and $5 for children under 12 is suggested.  Children under 5 eat free.

Mary-Martha Member Life

Spring Clean Up | Saturday, May 5 @ 10 a.m.

The Trustees and Mary-Martha organizations need many hands to help clean up winter debris, wash windows (inside and outside the church), and clean the fellowship hall and the church.

For outside work  bring: rakes, brooms, and trimmers.

For inside work bring: rags, window washing materials.

Barbecue at 12:00 noon

Mary-Martha will provide hot dogs, brats, potato salad, chips, drinks, and dessert.

If you are unable to help with the Spring clean up, come to the barbecue anyway.  We could use some help cooking, setting out the food, and eating it.

See the sign-up sheets in the fellowship hall.


Holy Week Service Schedule

Maundy Thursday Service at 7:00 p.m.

Good Friday Service at 7:00 p.m.

Easter Sunday Service at 10:00 a.m

Easter brunch follows the 10:00 a.m. service.


Ash Wednesday and Lenten Services | Begin February 22 at 7 PM

Please join us for our Ash Wednesday service  on February 22 at 7 PM.  Lenten services will follow every Wednesday at 7 PM until Easter.  Prior to the Lenten services, we will have a soup supper at 5:30 PM.


Veteran’s Day Chili Supper and Silent Auction | November 11, 2011 (4:30-7:00)

Flowers in Vase with American FlagGrace Lutheran Church, Elk Rapids is having a chili supper and silent auction on Veteran’s Day (November 11, 2011 from 4:30 to 7:00).  Veteran’s eat free, but a goodwill offering is suggested for others.